Kino'ole Baptist
Welcome Back!
In Person Worship Service's have resumed. Currently reservations will be required for everyone's safety.
We have resumed in person worship services at 8:00 am and 10:30 am. To ensure proper physical distancing, we will require reservations.
Reservations will be accepted from 1:00 pm on Sunday to 4:00 pm on Friday for the coming Sunday.
To make a reservation, click here to complete the form or call (808) 959-8012 x104 and leave a message with your name, phone number and number of people attending. Your reservation will be confirmed via email or phone within 48 hours.
Note: a new reservation will be required each week.
Safety Guidelines:
We encourage you to remain at home and join us for our online service if:
you are not comfortable attending a live service
are at risk with a medical condition
traveled out of the State of Hawaii in the last 14 days
not feeling well or experiencing any of the following symptoms:
fever or chills
nausea or vomiting
muscle or body aches
difficulty breathing
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
sore throat
new loss of taste or smell
Caring for or live in a household with a known COVID-19 positive or someone with any of the above symptoms.
Our objective is to keep EVERYONE in attendance safe
6-Foot physical distancing must be adhered to at all times
Masks are required to be worn when on church property.
Café Kino’ole will not be open until further notice
We have multiple hand sanitizing stations available
There will be a drop box for offering that is given in person. The offering box will be available as you enter or leave the sanctuary.
Our church is sanitized and cleaned regularly. If you attend a service and subsequently get diagnosed with COVID19, please let us know so we can schedule additional sterilization (808) 959-8012 or
No Sunday School until further notice.
No childcare will be provided